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Colored source code output with LaTeX and Pygments


If you want to include source code in your LaTeX document, there are several ways.
One way is to use the listings environment but the default output doesn’t look very nice.

	import tensorflow as tf
	a = 1
	b = 2
	r = tf.add(a, b, name='Add')

LaTeX listings output

Another way is to use the minted environment which uses the Python Pygments package which is a generic syntax highlighter supporting a variety of languages.

	import tensorflow as tf
	a = 1
	b = 2
	r = tf.add(a, b, name='Add')

LaTeX minted output

Installation steps (Linux)

  1. Install minted package: sudo apt-get install texlive-latex-extra
  2. Install the Pygments program: sudo apt-get install python-pygments
  3. Append -shell-escape in the settings for PdfLaTeX in TeXstudio
    • TeXstudio PdfLaTeX settings
  4. Use the minted environment with your preferred source code style
  5. Enjoy the nicely colored source code in your document!


How to install minted in Ubuntu